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Monday, May 31, 2010

sigh... i should realli stop emoing
should start feeling like i'm the greatest guy alive :D
lol i know that's rubbish luhh but
i nid to solve my self esteem issues...
raise my ego and confidence sigh

11:58 PM

sleepover at yx's house was damn fun!!!! :D
watched glee till like 3 plus in the morning heh
damn niceeee :D
and WII-ing our way, band hero ftw!! XD
yen ming was also having fantasies with some stuffed dog O_O
played bball too!! won some older guys (like 20+) heh
hahaha overall super fun luhh :D good start to the hols yayy ;D
but why wake up at 7 sia ><
suuperr tiredd X/

are looks the only thing ppl look out for?
if it is, then no one realli sees me then
i dun exist in this world, at all
i mean its just the outside right!!
whut matters most is still the personality and stuff like that whut!
idk luhh maybe u all think that i'm being jealous
well maybe i am, just bcos i dun look that good, idk
maybe u all look good, and believe that looks are important
and personality without looks is nth
i just have to face the truth then
or go try disfigure myself -flips open penknife-

omgg why are my parents soooo annoying
they are pissing the hell out of me seriously
why are they soo stubborn, headfast, and overprotective!!
i'm like 16, working age, i can take care of myself alr!
do i still need them to tell me whut time to sleep?!
i've got work (and a social life nao hopefully)
staying up beyond 12 is realli no big deal
sooo stop being control-freakish
it scares and annoys the shit out of me

10:37 AM

Saturday, May 29, 2010

performed our dance today omg
it was freaking black and dark
i doubt anyone saw anything
soo noo vids heh

screwed up the last part DD:
forgot whut to do, then just randomly start turning here and there
sorrryyyy guyss!! D:
but the solo was okay i think!!

hahaha and omg dam funny
taught yenming and yx hao to do the baby freeze (some breakdance freeze)
then i saw them hardcoring their heads off XD
hahaha all spamming armpower and almost breaking their wrists heh

heh sometimes i really wonder hao much i mean to you
found a random quote XD
"You cannot see who is already there for you, but instead hoping that someone else will be there"

11:45 PM

Friday, May 28, 2010

i swear my body is gonna break hahaha
soo much dancing these few days
and hell lots of bball too XD
hahaha and NAPFA YTD, super pissed off
29 pointsssss!!! ahhhh stupid sit and reach >(
but other than that sigh good performance luh

dunno whether can perfect the dances by tmr sia
apologise and red pill by jabbawockeez
they are freaking pwnage man heh :D
i'm just gonna throw my face in front of those scouts heh
lucky i have a MASK :DD

ouch... elbow to the eye during bball
nao its swollen >.< paaiiinnnn ahhh

8:49 PM

Thursday, May 27, 2010

-yawn- bball is really doing wonders to me -.-
getting more and more tired these days...
more and more bball addicted
more and more staying up
more and more white hair
hahaha all are equally pointless XD
play soo much bball for whut?
stay up for whut?
white hair for whut?
heh there's realli no point
its just this temptation to do it i guess heh

finally the hols omg
a good good break from the year
quite busy still heh got a lot of stuff
but got time to think over stuff :D

10:32 PM

looking at sad stuff
while "It's Not Over" and "Why" (secondhand serenade) plays
is. seriously. sad. heartbreaking. meaningful. wtv. ):

today was rather ok
just got a biiit of my life back i think
spammed bball with yony IN THE HOT HOT HOT AFTERNOON
(i think i've gotten one shade darker -.-)
and a biit of table tennis (when was the last time i touched a racquet O:)

and yayy pizza during maths
ip man during histoy
can things get any better?
i can see it, smell it, touch it, ...
hahaha cant believe it man
one good break from sch :DD (FINALLY)

12:23 AM

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

heh our week is like slacckkkk omg
today's talk was relatively boring tho
by Poland's HIS EXCELLENCY (ambassador luhh)
slept a bit and got pwned by ft omg T.T
hahaha and mrs lim is TREATING US TO PIZZA on thur :DD
and super epic, she asked "who cannot eat beef"
minh anh: "ma'am!! i cannot! i'm muslim" HAHAHAHAHA MOST EPIC SELF JACK
omg the vietnamese are seriously retarded heh :DD but funny

we played bball after that yeaahhh
sooo long since we all played tgt :D
wah play until suuper tired then it rain... O:
then just take bus to j8 and go home lo
and we saw shi wei failing with his nets card to topup his ezlink heh :D

on the mrt with jordan ng
somehao came to talk about cliques in JC... D:
damn scary hahaha quote jordan "u no clique, then gg orh, one man show"
i'm just gonna end up beside the dustbin ):
hahaha jc life heh

10:23 PM

Sunday, May 23, 2010

today was a borriiinngg sunday hahaha
pretty much wasted my time at home XD
heh sch tmr
but its the LAAASST WEEK before hols!
cant wait for iit!! :D
sooo many stuff during hols lol
june camp, haiyin camp and soo much more haha
a month-long break jyjy :D

10:07 PM

Saturday, May 22, 2010

whooooo scout rally today was rather fun haha :D
got some goodie bag at the start
which saved arnold from further embarassment (without a scarf) XD
and then me and yongxin went to queue up for free red bull haha
the queue was freaking long zomg
then we caught some cub scout drinking it aso HAHA epic seh (yony took a picture :P)
walked around to play some of the random games >.<
and we FINALLY decided to play some catapult thingy game
the scouts used their catapult to fire some twine ball, then we catch it lo
but then we were taller (i know i'm still quite short wtv), so had to squat down
then YEN MING HAHAHAHA wearing his cool sunglasses, looked like some district commissioner XD (playing some cub scout game :D)
and then yongxin realised that the prizes were epic...
they were some "DADS FOR LIFE" stuff HAHAHAHAHHAAHA
omg we were laughing non stop XD and congratulating yen ming :D
hahaha then we found some medicine ball and began fooling around with it
like yongxin using it to play bball, and we aso played soccer with it :P
then a few cub scouts came over and asked "eh, can play tgt anot"
HAHAHA we were alr laughing omg but we just passed them the ball
then the guy dropped the ball and shouted
heh the rest of it was just plain waste time luhh
throwing grass arnd and whut not -.-
but overall quite fun hehe :DD

10:03 PM

Thursday, May 20, 2010

yay went for bubble tea with jason, elton and sherman todae
at KOI CAFE hahaha :D
they were damn stunned at the prices XD but bought and drink anyway
hahaha suupeeer nice seh
i <3 bubble tea!!

heheh went around to look for stuff for a present
but cannot find suitable stuff(s) haha
its the thought that counts thats whut everyone says
hahaha well... hao abt i starved more than 2 weeks to save money
gave up on buying a new pair of shoes
XD hope u like it :D

yay friday tmr!! june hols are SOOOO CLOSE
i can feel it alr!! :D

9:55 PM

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

my heart is sooo breaking to pieces man
reading emo fb statuses that somehow link to me
singing those emo song lyrics too D:
and am i like non-existent?
heh u dun care

10:41 PM

hahaha omg todae bball was damn fun with yongxin, arnold and junkiat
i started getting hiiiigh :D
then arnold randomly shouted : "XIAO KANG!!" HAHA zomg damn funny
then we spent the next 10 minutes calling each other xiao smth
"XIAO LIANG (arnold) XIAO XIN (yong xin) XIAO KIAT (haha obvious) "
super random but funny :D
and the floor was freaking wet cos of the rain
then i din dare to run hahaha (i'm alr injured >< )
hahaha then i started running around like some ah mah, damn epic :D
heh stress relief after MYs :D

on the bus home, i saw this little cuuute baby (carried by parent duh) haha
he pressed the STOP button, and his parents chided him XD
then when the parent turned around, he went to TRY and press it again (NAISE) :D
i pushed his finger away LOL
then he was staring at me with his glassy eyes :P
heheh sooo micheivous like me ;D
then i looked up and saw my reflection, with a smile on my face
i realised i looked kinda better...? (not being ego XD)
like a smile on my face would look less scary then my stone face :P
hahaha i shall try and smile more (((((:

8:39 PM

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

todae was rather uhm boring i guess
nth much happened
no napfa whatsoever, looked at the wrong timetable sigh
hahaha but yx JY ba!! push ur 29 to 30 :D
hope i dun screw up mine too bad either!!

"Now if you're trying to break my heart
It's working cause you know"
taken off that should be me by justin bieber
omg super scary hahaha
that song like just squeezed tears out of my heart
the lyrics mean quite a bit... ):

sooo slack nao omg
nth much to do, not much hw either
and breakdancing is killing my legs i swear, my wrist too
ytd slammed my foot into the floor
then today repeated the mistake and EXACT same spot
nao super pain >< dunno whether i can eva get hold of this stuff...
someday i'm just gonna break my legs and wrist dancing
but still its damn fun :D

9:52 PM

Monday, May 17, 2010

sch starting tmr... gonna feel bored
and is napfa like tmr omg
NOT prepared, hope i can scrape a 30...
today was like totally wasted >(
nth to do leh D:

just came across a few stuffs about introverted ppl todae
those things abt how introverts may not necessarily anti-social and shy
kinda reassuring, but still nagging at my mind
do i appear anti social to u guys? and shy?
cos i'm definitely not ( i think )
it just takes a longer time to know me, i guess
i'm probably the most fun-loving guy out there XD
i treasure my relations soo much i NVR dao ppl
i'm really an easy-going guy, maybe just i dun express it AS MUCH face-to-face
sooo uhm... yea

comparing myself... sigh
i think thats like the biggest problem with me lo
there's always competition out there in life
to improve, i mean u HAVE to set a standard for urself rite? D:
but that standard (person) seems soo perfect
then i keep putting myself down in order to spur myself to improve
is it just not right?
there are some things i cant really change tho ):
will i someday turn out to be that perfect person?
or is it just plain impossible?
meanwhile, i just have to take more of this... this... "putting down"
this is quite depressing haha
there's always that someone better than you, who's got everything

wow thats quite a bit of thoughts!!
see whut i can think about on a boring day hahaha

9:38 PM

Sunday, May 16, 2010

niceee hahaha more life
but i'm still bored omg
stuck at home with like nth to do
but ytd was quite fun tho (AR OT meeting FTW!!)
omg i'm sooo sry for spoiling ur plans guyz...
i feel damn bad nao...
sry!!! ahhh had last minute stuff to take care of!!
ahhh sry for making u all cramp in the cupboards... T.T
but i'm sure nicole had a good time there haha
and the video totally threw my face away... >(
i'm soo gonna strangle u ryan >)

no sch tmr... but again nth to do sigh
think i'm just going to slackk my head off

heheh starting to find out the effects of being optimistic :D
life's starting to look up yea (:
but still WHITE HAIR!!! O_O

7:34 PM

Thursday, May 13, 2010

laasssttt paper ahhh bio zzz -.-
i can alr see the happy faces of everyone tmr
and the tchr confirm say "i havent collected ur papers" hahaha
sigh... MYEs made me isolate myself from my com for 4 days omg
an achievement :]

i'm going to try being more talkative XD
or not i will seem anti social omg
be happy :D

12:31 PM

Sunday, May 9, 2010

hope firday comes like super soon...
and then we can be free O:
chinese and ss tmr
hope i dun fail either :] (although ss seems damn hard >_< )

sigh... u know whut?
i realli feel like giving up alr
u're making it haard ;P
i dun even know whut to say
forget it man... wtv
just gonna concentrate on my MYEs... >(

2:27 PM

Friday, May 7, 2010

first time my FB kena spam soo muchh hahaha

ahhh so much to muggg D:
getting a bit scared now haha
heck luhh just do whut i can and go in there and pass/die X)

feeling happy these few days :D
goooood :D

and omg hahaha i'm broke D:
need to start saving (starving) again... ;)

6:41 PM

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

i'm 16 hahaha :D
hope ppl can rmb my bdae :D
gonna have fun commenting on all the FB wall posts haha
Thanks to everyone wishing me at 12!! :D

sigh... getting dao-ed sucks to the core man
"caring for you, yet you dun give a heck about me"
soo true XD
if i'm annoying the crap out of you, tell me
i will stop haha
i'm really getting numb-er by the minute
if u're trying to achieve this then so be it

11:47 PM

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

wowz... today just flew past me
like thaaaat O_O soo boring
but msn-ing is still fuun :D

my fren just pointed out my white hair todae omg...
is it like freaking obvious haha
i aso dk why...
maybe i'm staying up too late? thinking too much?
but you're oblivious arent you
you just cant see my effort XD

" I want to be what you always needed
And i hope you see the heart in me "
- Beautiful Soul by Jesse Mccartney

maybe someday hahaha (i must be dreaming)

9:10 PM

Monday, May 3, 2010

suddenly got addicted to dancing O_O
ryan, thanh minh teeeaccch me aaaah!! XD
hahaha i realli cant sing... so maybe i can dance?
help me :D i am untalented hahaha XD

hmm... coming to think of it...
i cant do much can i?
no beatboxing, no musical talent (not even piano D:), no artistic talent, cant dance
i'm just athletic :D (bball, soccer, sports ftw!!)
is that enough? i realli hope so... (:
i'm alr trying my best to learn dance moves!! hehe but i'm failing... :P
if only u could see my effort! :D
but nvm... i'm still the nicest guy out there HAHA

ugh and i hate the MYs... >(

6:07 PM

Sunday, May 2, 2010

aahh just sent my laptop for repairs
see u 3 weeks later!! :'(
meanwhile i have my reliable (but laggy) desktop!! :D

my mum was commenting on my white hair zomg O_O
and telling me the reasons:
1. sleeping late
2. think too much
hahaha then i was thinking like is it worth it?

meanwhile... mugging... T.T
cant wait till after MYs man! :D

2:20 PM

Saturday, May 1, 2010

HAHA ignorance is bliss XD

11:46 PM

hehe be happy (:

11:29 PM

saturday... sigh
hahaha thought about A LOT of stuff in the morning
like "should i give up" or "am i good enough"....
all the typical comparison... :P
i know i should stop, but idk why i'm doing this in the first place
am i jealous, hopeless or what-less? hahaha idk
boy, i'm messed up XD

my mum's birthday today haha!
happy birthday! :D
went to pizza hut to celebrate!!

omg i think i'm slacking too much!!
like one whole saturday wasted... T.T
nvm, still can start now :D

11:09 PM


This is the place where you don't get golden opportunities, only silver chances.
You're not as well-off as the rest, you have to treasure your chances, this is the place to do so.
So start looking at your silver chances, and decide what to do with them (:
Story of my life :D


17 :D

Raffles Institution

02 Scouts!!

1F/2F 2008

3A/4A 2010 FTW!!



Average kid :D

Kinda poor D:

Trying to learn stuff!


Ryan Seah
Yong Xin
Sean Sum

Sweet Memories

April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
January 2012

My Wishes

A cool life

Someone to be there for me (:

To dance a lot better :D

To be best dancer in RJ STREET

More talents :D

A good sense of humour :P

To be a more interesting person XD

(i dun ask for much :D)
