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Monday, June 28, 2010

i know i dun have-
dude i cant-
hahaha okie enough of that... (:
sigh i realli nid more self confidence in myself
gotta stop thinking
what i cant do
what i cant be
what i cant achieve
and start BELIEVING that i CAN
so what if
i don't look as good as yongxin
i'm not as rich? not as poser as yongxin?
i am not as funny as ryan
cant dance as well as ryan
not as pro in bball as dom? shi wei?
lets start looking at the things i CAN be better than them in!!
ryan: nyeh i'm better than u in bball, soccer too ;p
yongxin: nyeh i'm better in dancing and bball, soccer too ;p
(i know u train until u chao ta alr luhh)
shi wei, dom: forget it (: i'm wayyy better at dancing than you ;p
yayyy!! :D i'm better in some things!! (sry guys just a little ego-boosting)
what are some of the things i CANT change then?
my looks!
so what if i don't look like zac efron or any other handsome hot guy out there huh?
i just try my best lo!
hair, clothes, everything yo (:
i know i'm not a stand up comedian like ryan seah is
lets just be optimistic then!! (:
take life lightly!! think positive act postive!
and hopefully you guys can be happy around me (:
i'm still living a happy life
so what if i cant buy the best branded clothes huh
i just look a bit less poser lo!
i'm saving (AND starving) at least i'm making an effort! :D
okay so i dun have a musical talent? or any other?
i'm putting in the effort dudes!!
my shoulders are totally bruised from breakdancing!
maybe i'm a quick learner maybe i'm not
but with practice, everything CAN become perfect

i'm the nicest guy out there
maybe i may not express it in the most physical of ways?
like buying stuffs for you? cos i'm not as rich as everyone else is
but i will always be there for you when no one else is
i'm the one that's always willing to sacrifice
the one that's sensitive and always listening
this is the true meaning of being nice (i think!) :D

lets change the way i view myself from nao on
and maybe that'll change the way u guys see me as well (:

10:18 PM

Sunday, June 27, 2010

hahaha neh realli thought i say this
ppl D:
and sch starts all over :/
all the waking-up-early
all the fooling around at sch
all the work
allllll back :/
hahaha there's always dec hols (:
sigh back to sch
lets make the best out of it (:

10:17 PM

Saturday, June 26, 2010

FUJI at the start of hols :
this is gonna be a good month mann
a loong break at last :D FINALLY

FUJI blinks -.- --> .__.

-looks at calendar-
its 26 june... WAIIIT A MINUTE

hahaha seriously manz why the hols pass sooo fast
had a few camps
a few slacking days
one awesome OT outing
a few go-outs
wheeee june hols are over -.-
and sch starts all over :/
actually sch would be quite awesome without the work
students should like strike worldwide or smth (:
the govt cant do a thing mannn hehehe ;D
sighhh can u promise me smth nov/dec hols?
come fast :D and STAY THERE HAHA :DD

12:20 AM

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

hahaha god my shoulder's hurting like crap again D:
and feeling damn bored at home isnt making it better ):
one last week of hols
can we paause time here and take a loong break pleasee :D
and wow i've got quite abit of scars on my knee heh
sigh... dun wan my hols to end like thisssss D:

11:45 PM

Sunday, June 20, 2010

haiyin camp for 3 days hahaha
for pri 3 - 6 ppl!!
then we're student leaders :D
they were soooo cute XD keep sticking to me
attention seekers nonetheless :P
really taught me quite a bit to leadership
being more than just a participant
dun take it that seriously
there's no competition, just enjoy it :D
twin towers and 10 cent coin FTW!! XD
alliance woohoo shan xin and ai xin zu!!! (:
thx to all the ppl that made me happy for these 3 days
especially to those who stayed up till 3 plus!!
deenie, melvin, jia ying jun hao, wei xiang lao shi, yong xian lao shi!! :D
all the games were veh amusing hahaha
and yupp the alliance worked damn well hahaha :D
haiyin camp (: luv-ed it

10:42 PM

Thursday, June 17, 2010

yay today quite fun :D
sentosa hahaha
OT bonding ftw!!
quite stone-ish today tho heh
everyone just felt like sitting around :P
but quite a lot of spastic fun
frisbee and captain's ball XD
and cycling was kinda random XP
taught junyu hao to cycle YAY :D
and smuggled slurpee across the train heh
but aiyo, buy soooo much food :P neh finish hahaha
played "cheat" for one round, and din notice the time pass soo fast XD
went home with mayo on mrt hahaha
talked about just boarding and stuff (:
thx to all peeps that made today so funn for me :D

11:22 PM

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

a million thxz to my mum's fren who got me sneakerrss :DD
hahaha omg was damn surprised ytd
right after i talked about getting sneakers
thx yo!! (:

todayy was fuunnnnnnnnn :D
quite lucky to get in tho X)
went there about 12? then tickets were sold out T.T
we were totally disappointed man...
we just decided to walk outside and see the kewl globe hahaha :P
then suddenly saw this queue at the ticketing booth
and... WE GOT IN :D

that place is awesome man!! :D
especially the mummy ride
it was damn kewl hahaha total darkness :P
was soo fun we went in more times (:
the dinosaur raft ride thingy was damn good aso
the effects were awesome hahaha
especially the t-rex-es :D
and my poor dad got totally drenched X) sry dad :P
and uhm uhm
shrek 4D HAHA epic, quite nice and shrek-ish
but the emcee girl... she's freaking good at getting the crowd hyped X)
ohoh and the watershow :D
AWESOME STUNTS YO!! effects were quite good too :D
heh storyline was rather funny
but the actors were damn good
the synchronisation everything... thumbs up yo~! (:

hahaha whut a fun day today :D
wished hols could be liddat everyday
then we wun be soo bored stuck at home heh

10:27 PM

Friday, June 11, 2010

wheeeee back from camp :D
seriously hardcore hahaha the total lack of sleep
like average 2 hours per day O: for 5 days str8
but it was funnnn heh

Day 1 was rather... okay hahaha
morning was yupp normal
and he had stomachache... -.-
watching the troop do their camp development and layout realli brings things into perspective
like nao we understand why we "pump" them, and punish them etc...
super kewl hahaha :D
got a first taste of clement's camera X) spamming photos hahaha
and NIGHT HIKE FTW :D with ryan seah
6 hours of walk walk walk :D
we followed tiger patrol for the hike heh
one word for you guys : imba :D
u guys can walk damn fast seriously (: and strong patrol spirit
keep it up guys!! :D
lucky i had ryan for the hike hahaha
kinda entertained each other :P (more of him than me)
and ryan was like switching into "slumber mode" and i was SUPER AWAKE idk why XD
i'm bcoming some night creature :P
and omg slept at like 1 plus hahaha
survived today with 2 hours of sleep X)

Day 2 was suuper tiring hahaha
wasnt used yet to the sleeplatewakeupearly thing yet X)
everyone was like .__. for DAMN LONNG hahaha
just went down like zombies
but we got MACS for breakfast :D hahaha
and backwoodsman!! :D outdoor cooking :P
went to sleep with ryan for one whole hour before going down to help XP
it was like raining and we could still keep up the fire nyss... (:
went to help dolphin revive their fire :D
super fun hahaha and ur chicken RULEZZ MAN thx guys (:
skills station games were kinda random heh
told them to build structures related to justin bieber :P
seriously needed to call the fire station
smoke until hahaha no link X)
then it was war games :D
wah the violence ah seriously need to control man
all the cats scratch here scratch there
and zekai akido O_O
we're not realli in a war luhh guys X)
part one was kinda random hahaha
arnold and i were being too nice :) and no one much got killed by us
no one's sock got pulled by us too much :P
just ran around doing random stuff :D making them happy
part 2 was... pure rape HAHA
first round yx, arnold and i waiting at the rugby field
and the whole troop had to come against us
i seriously din think we'd stand a chance omg (although it was one touch KO)
but we killed each and every single one of them .__.
when u kill the patrol leader everyone in the patrol kinda die along
yx killed one PL and i killed the other 5... hahaha poor things
we din kill anymore for the rest of the waves XD we were too good HAHA
yupp but quite a few injuries O_O
one in 6 peeps had an injury O:
fun while it lasted
and was practicall dying during the debrief hahaha
2 hours of sleeeeeepp zzz

Day 3 ahhh
woke up at like 5 isit? for batch dynamics O:
rojak, conveyor belt and push up train...
i bet it was pure torture for them lo... D:
hahaha rojak = dumping all their clothes in a pile, pick one and wear back
conveyor belt= everyone lie down and roll across each other
push up train= everyone in push up positions and run to the last guy and form up
they were all dying luhh X)
and i was alr half zombie >.<
iron man after thattt
hahaha strength station was purely easy
arnold and i were too nice X)
just gave everyone points hahaha who came to our station
too easy alr X)
AMAZING RACE!! (no pun intended)
it was quite fun hahaha yx, jk and i walking with tiger patrol
seeing them do funny stations hahaha making a fool out of themselves
and yx has some "ass-poking" fun... tsk
hahaha we looked like some slave drivers mannn :D
after that was uhm... mystery games!!
hahaha ryan din want to be alone heh
so we ended up sitting in the middle of the raffles square tgt
non one came to us at first, and we decided to make hell lot of noises hahaha :D
whistles, tarzan calls, and wolf calls omg we were super freaky
wait freaky's and understatement
ryan played "WTF" on his phone heh
and we started dancing to it :P
and it looked REALLI freaky the dance and tune
and i bet all the patrols were totally freaked out when they acme to our station
and only 2 hours of sleep... ZZZ

Day 4 started with VOJ...
yx and i went to set up our station lo
ropework and knots station haha
at 3.23 am omg i can still rmb the time
some woman called me FREAKY TTM

her: hello?
me: -runs to yx- eh u know her (I WAS FREAKED OUT)

wtshit damn scary omg
her voice like some puppet (from dead silence)
at 3am in the morning somemore eh!!
wah crazeh woman
then we heck-ed it and continue our station heh
it was pretty straightforward luhh nth much
yx had fun dropping boulders on ppl's feet tho hahaha
then uhm "reflections" (payback)
we just went to diff places and started blowing whistles lo hahaha
omg joshua and terrence, you guys are beasts man
"downdowndowndowndowndown" non stop
crazeh man... X)
then me and ryan followed sec 1s for their know your district
hahaha ikr 3 hikes in 5 days
quite slack tho they walk sooo slow heh
and then we were first arguing about who looked better me or ryan
then dragged reo and everyone else into the convo hahaha dam epic
then ended up as ryan being the winner
while i'm the ultimate loser noooooo D:
(we were saying that the other guy was awesomer kay, i'm not that ego haha)
campfire!! pretty much awesome
saw all the patrols making fools out of themselves hahaha
but dun forget the lyrics was TOO BIEBERISH O_O
i bet they were driving the adults crazeh
but it was a veh good ending hahaha
and yah sudeep upload photos :DD
just played cards till like 2 plus hahaha

day 5 was just strike camp
spent one hour trying to plug the hose into the tap HAHA
and getting 10 ppl wet or smth :D
they were TOTALLY HAPPY to hear bersurai omg
and we had out venture debrief!!
MTWSITB = Mr Tan Weng Seng Is The Best hahaha :D
he's super rational, calm
and arnold sim ahh testing his patience
squeezing the cherry tomato hahaha XD
and it flew and his Mr Tan's arm HAHAHA
omg he was like SUPER CALM OMG
just staring at his arm and waiting for arnold to clean it X)
then we just continued per normal O:
he also gave jun yu awesome advice omg
respect ttm man!
and we discovered some ROTTEN apple hahaha
mr tan: "wow a giant raisin"
hahahaha some plum luhh that thing >.<
me,yx, yen ming, arnold, sudeep, ryan ended up playing bball hahaha :D
damn off form omg 5 days neh touch ball :P
then just went home and KO-ed

looking forward to DEC camp (:
had to tolerate a few moodswings tho... ):
by various ppl... lets just hold it as lack of sleep?
i dun want it to be any other reason O:
i think we became more bonded tho? hahaha
organising it was definitely fun (:
thx to all the awesome sec 4s hahaha :D
awesome nasi lemak, bee hoon me, and BUBBLE TEA for all our meals (:

9:12 PM

Sunday, June 6, 2010

i swear, my shoulder's gonna dislocate...
but finally can do one lousy round of windmill hahaha
went to hide in the gym today with ryan seah X)
then fooled around with sudeep and yx
when we're supposed to be stretching ropes heh

sudeep: where are you guys?
ryan: at the canteen!!

5 minutes later...
sudeep: eh, we at canteen alr where are you!!
ryan: at artspace HAHA :D

jumped around and fooled around with the pillows in the gym X)
then can see ryan REPEATEDLY jumping over this stack of pillows
hahaha then i was also trying to breakdance there XD
and then clement came in for awile...
he walked to the foam pit
spread out his arms
and fell right in
3 seconds later...
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA me and ryan were laughing away HAHAHA XD
then he climbed out and dusted himself hahahaha

yx... i'm sooo sry kay!! ):
i din mean to do it ):

has the sense of hopelessness ever hit you before?
like seriously u cant do anything anymore
no matter hao hard i try i just cant match up
just a bit of comparing and u can easily see the difference
i'm not as funny and everything
ppl treat u real differently
so whut if i'm "nice"? everyone out there's "nice"
ppl look for more, much more
"Some people are born lucky, and yet others are lucky to be born"
just forget it fukang... ppl are just better
obviously other ppl enjoy their company as well...
dun waste ur effort trying anymore
u . just . cant. do. it.
u . cant . match . up . to . them

bye guys... away for camp (: (for one week!!)

10:04 PM

Saturday, June 5, 2010

"People were born lucky, I was lucky to be born"
sigh... is that the way for me?
Other people born with talents and stuff, then i'm like nth?
hahaha i think i'm gonna take some time to see like uhm...
whether i have any of those stuffs then heh (:

my shoulder and hip are hurting like >_<
june hols realli gave me quite some time to breakdance hahaha
and to get more injuries like these... X)
hope i can quickly get it right
so i dun suffer soo much anymore hahaha XD

5:55 PM

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

omg bruise on my shoulder and elbow >_<
breakdancing is killing my body hahaha
damn scared someday break my wrist X)
but super kewl if i can learn it heh :DDD

woah today bball until crazeh again
in the hot hot hot afternoon (and nope, its not my fault this time XD)
hahaha yx ah... still say u not pro!! everyday hardcore so much bball :)
i swear u're influencing me to play heh :P
and getting us blacker -.- i'm gonna bcom totally chao ta alr
and drank bubble tea twice omg <3 i'm getting addicted
and saw like 5 bubble tea shops while walking around bishan interchange -.-

-yawn- at home super boring lehh omg
i nid to go out :D

10:10 PM

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

omg whut's wrong with meeeeeeeee DD:
i nid to be happier ahh
i'm like getting touchy and easily pissed... O:
whut is happening? easily getting emo, sad too
calm down fu kang (: and think carefully
think think think think think
is it worth getting sad/angry/pissed? ( AT ALL? )

10:38 PM


This is the place where you don't get golden opportunities, only silver chances.
You're not as well-off as the rest, you have to treasure your chances, this is the place to do so.
So start looking at your silver chances, and decide what to do with them (:
Story of my life :D


17 :D

Raffles Institution

02 Scouts!!

1F/2F 2008

3A/4A 2010 FTW!!



Average kid :D

Kinda poor D:

Trying to learn stuff!


Ryan Seah
Yong Xin
Sean Sum

Sweet Memories

April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
January 2012

My Wishes

A cool life

Someone to be there for me (:

To dance a lot better :D

To be best dancer in RJ STREET

More talents :D

A good sense of humour :P

To be a more interesting person XD

(i dun ask for much :D)
