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Thursday, July 29, 2010

it just had to get worse
lots worse
i'm just gonna throw myself off a building if not for my rationality
sigh... -why- has been playing on repeat for today
i'm too emo for my own good
in some no worse no better emo zone
i nid to get out of it fast
but i just cant
i'm still holding on
why do u hate me so much?
whut did i eva do to anyone? to you?
soo many questions i nid to ask
u're there, but u're not there
can we just start anew?
i'm losing myself
looks like i nid to find myself again
yes again
once again
like i did before

11:29 PM

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

one whole day of emo-ing... ):
like seriously whole day
it wasnt healthy
i was just drifting off
spacing out
just... thinking
should i? let go?
like yahh let go?

it felt like some battle between my heart and brain zomg... >_<
heart: NO DUN LET GO!!
brain: lets be rational now...
brain: don't u feel the pain?
heart: PA...pain...?
brain: yes the pain... that you have recently been feeling a lot
heart: but i CAN TAKE IT >_<
brain: sure?
heart: DAMN SURE
brain: then why emo? why the blog posts?
heart: THEY...
brain: see? is it worth it?
heart: of course!! wth i'm sure not worth it
brain: sure? what have you got in return for holding on?
heart: ...
yahh and more to go...
but my brain feels like its winning
should i let it go?
haha not like you care anw right?
u dun even care please
u dun even want to talk to me
rather talk to ur other frens eh?
who knows whut u think of me?
some loser?
idk idk idk...
other ppl have so much better criteria than me
i'm just gonna give up soon
its working kay? you happy nao?

"and the award for the best liar goes to you..."
"why do you do this to me? why do you do this so easily"
all the emo songs...
singing all of them today ):
i realli REALLI pity my heart
has to beat there
giving me life
and it the end whut does it get?
this is getting too much to take

11:35 PM

Monday, July 26, 2010

blehh retarded on msn todayyy
neh felt so high for a long long time alr hahaha
actually laughed at the convo :D
all my frenzz soo funnyyyy :D
stay kewl guys!! (:

hahaha aiyo
dun nid my contribution just say can?
after i soooo "enthu"
then u just kick me aside
seriously dun make me waste my effort
next time dun ask me to do anything okie
since nth i do is up to ur whut? expectations?
just take from the others can alr
i think without my SO CALLED help you guys can do fine
coming to think of it
since when was i NEEDED in anything?
since when?
never luhh seriously
take me out
i bet no one would realise
yah i'm just this extra piece of guy here randoming extra-ing around
just...just..wtv idk anymore haha
maybe i should stop
yes that's what i'll do
i'll stop
-.- poker face

11:10 PM

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

rape of RI02 hahaha (rape of nanjing)
burial pits everywhere in the field
omg sec 1ssssssss hahaha backwoodsman faillllllllll
be pro-er :D
a few more years and u'll be blogging about ur sec 1s like me
jyjyjy dun let urself get "raped" again HAHA

sigh this week has been depressing...
sooo much stuff to emo about
i wonder why ppl can change their attitude to me sooo much
i dun even feel like i changed mine to them
whyyyyy D;
and change in not a good way too
like become dao and shizzzz
make me emo so much tsk
am i realli becoming that boring?
i cant help it kay...
i'm not that kewl
or am i becoming irritating? annoying?
realli? am i?
tell me why
someone please
i nid to know the truth
to change myself
please dun leave me as this annoying fukang
that no one likes
but no one likes fukang anw D:

10:33 PM

Monday, July 19, 2010

no i'm not having asthma... ):
i'm having a heartbreak no known cure
emo lor
slash wrist lor
wtv luhh like you care anw
i'm not kewl enough for you
i'm just this unimportant in ur life
i'm just this uninteresting
i'm just this boring
i'm just this not funny
i'm just this lame
i'm just this ugly
i'm just this piece of crap
i'm just this piece of nth
i'm just this nth
i'm just this un-kewl
i'm just this stupid
i'm just this rubbish
i'm just this fukang
yes useless, fat, fukang
why cant i be kewl-er
why must i be a freaking fukang
idk maybe i'm jealous
of all ur kewlness and wtv
go talk to ur kewl frens peeps
leave me to rot in my own unkewlness okay?
leave me here
i'll do fine yea
just fine
no problem DDDDDDD:

11:11 PM

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Cohort CIP was funn hahaha
with lots and lots of paint XD
but omg sooo saikang...
logs comm 2 I/C... dom ah u die next time X)
and woke up at 6am!!! T.T
damn tired nao hehehe
but yupp damn funn
messed around with the walkie talkies too XD
haha fun day :D

10:49 PM

Thursday, July 15, 2010

damn i'm useless
i'm a hopeless useless failure
cant do anything right
screws everything up... >(
sigh why am i such a screwed up failure
argh D< i'm damn fail omg
its damn obvious kay
like its just in my face
it doesnt work now, when you say i'm not one
the truth's staring me in the face
you guys know it too
i know it too

P.S hope no one reads this ))):

9:32 PM


6:24 PM

Monday, July 12, 2010

wheee sleepover at yongxin's house hahaha
loads of fun
with 2 random party-crashers and sec 4s :D
hahaha got to find out how well SOME ppl sung XD
(hint hint)
ended up like crows squawking (:
looks like i'm not the worst then YAY :D
and then WORLD CUP FINALS 2010
Netherlands vs Spain
Parrot vs (STUPID, NONSENSICAL, RANDOM) Paul the Octopus :D
-drumroll- SP- i mean... spain
yea spain won
kay great back to life :D
hahahaha then random TF2 lanning with sudeepz and kwang ik XD
much fun fun much :D
that's about it D:
i think this is like the last break we're gonna have
we're gonna get spammed with lots and projects alr DX
kay luhh jiayou fuji :D

11:04 PM

Saturday, July 10, 2010

i always end up with sad quotes ):

"I'm not saying I have nothing. I'm not saying I'm gone completely. It's just sometimes it's all a bit too much to handle. Sometimes I feel like it's too much. I'm not going to do anything stupid because I know it will get better, it has to right? Otherwise there wouldn't be anyone who would live past their teenage years. But for now, just for now, it hurts."

funny how this thing describes how i feel
SO accurately ):
yes i'm not saying i have nothing
i do have right!!
and i'm not gone completely either
i'm still here
but yea... it freaking hurts... >_<
whut have i done to deserve this hmm?
there's this sour feeling in my heart
and i dunno whut to do with it
it just hurts (and its not heart attack)

"I don't deserve you...I never did"

yes... maybe i'm just foolish to even try
why then do i try?
why why why why why
wozhuzhidao... woZHENDEbuzhidao...
i'm just dumb, stupid, wishful thinking, deluded

"Behind my smile is everything you'll never understand"

did that seem happy to you?
huh did it?
well lemme tell you
try looking beyond it
deeper, deeper, deeper down
see anything there? that empty pit where happiness used to fill?
oh u dun know why it became empty do you?
yahh, u'll never understand
why would you understand?
do you even know me?
do you even TRY to know me?
or did you just push me aside?
like an irritation

"I don't know if I'm getting better or just used to the pain"

self-confidence does make me feel better
wait... is it?
or am i just numbing myself?
numbing myself to the sour feeling
finding excuses for YOU to make it go away
idk... i'm realli messed up

"Have you ever felt so alone and nothing makes sense? Well that's how I feel right now...I feel like I'm facing everything myself, with nothing but tears and a fake smile..."

absolutely nth
no one to understand me
no one to comfort me
no one that knows
just this ---> :D
yahh a smiley on the comp
and this --> D: in my heart
no one around
i'm alone in my own world
my nonsensical world
which no one knows...


10:11 PM

Thursday, July 8, 2010

shit shit shit shit shit
i feel damn dumb...
idk why aso
i just feel super dumb D<
why am i doing this?
i'm tooo committed...
i'm trying too hard
ahhhhhh... why dun u even try to return a tenth of the favour
u make me feel damn dumb
when i dun try that hard, i feel like "god, i'm not even trying"
when i try, i feel like "WTSHIT AM I DOING"
should i just forget it, like seriously... ):
my self esteem is struggling to stay up there nao... >(
-deep breaths-
pardon the "shit"s... i'm just messed up nao
-deep breaths-
jiayou fu kang :D you can do it!!
be happy (:

9:55 PM

Monday, July 5, 2010

... okie i'm bored
3 day weekend thx to youth day hahaha
din realli feel youthful tho X)
just felt suuper tired at BCG presentation -yawn- on saturday
Made In Candy rocks TTM :D
and so did our team hahaha (Y) awesome ppt by kevin ong
hmm sunday was spent at... whuts that place...
ohoh causeway point!! at woodlands omg T.T
soooo faaaarrrr awwaaayyyyy
had to wake up at nine, and felt damn old HAHA
walked around and trying to think ideas for our business...
but no ideas eh D:
we had all type of random ideas tho
keydrive - thumbdrive and key together HAHA omg
kevin ong : you lose it, you lose both ur files and your home HAHAHAHA (Y)
and made in candy <3
saw a group selling it hahahaha and bought it duh :D
sigh random weekend and nao i'm stoning...'
so much for lanning huh 4A... X)

sigh... everyone's daoing me D:
lets just hope its not my fault (:
i'm not going to destroy myself again

9:38 AM


This is the place where you don't get golden opportunities, only silver chances.
You're not as well-off as the rest, you have to treasure your chances, this is the place to do so.
So start looking at your silver chances, and decide what to do with them (:
Story of my life :D


17 :D

Raffles Institution

02 Scouts!!

1F/2F 2008

3A/4A 2010 FTW!!



Average kid :D

Kinda poor D:

Trying to learn stuff!


Ryan Seah
Yong Xin
Sean Sum

Sweet Memories

April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
January 2012

My Wishes

A cool life

Someone to be there for me (:

To dance a lot better :D

To be best dancer in RJ STREET

More talents :D

A good sense of humour :P

To be a more interesting person XD

(i dun ask for much :D)
