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Sunday, October 31, 2010

life's just passing along now
when you're sick there's nth much you can do right?
just lie on your bed and rest
think and recover
haha shit but my throat's still hurting
i dont know whether i can be of my peak performance again
like in dance
and in RE
damn sacred my fever screwed my brain up
argh just had to fall sick at the wrong times
oh well at least i more or less recovered (:
yayy but that's my
i'm going to start treasuring time more
who knows
10 years down the road you'll be looking back
at your studying years
how you got your 10 As
how you got through sec years
how you took PSLE
how you survived NS
how you met your girlfriend (delete if unapplicable)
and more
why not start looking at the time you've been given
and start doing your best everyday
and wishing harder that tomorrow will come?
let's go people
its time to be perfect :D

10:26 PM

Saturday, October 30, 2010

argh damn
why must I be sick NOW
of all times NOW
RS and RE at their peak importance
sorry guys it was really unexpected
i just started burning up
at 6am
cant help it lah really
life is so full of surprises
there's no one that can really tell when they're coming right?
but what a nasty surprise ):

7:56 PM

Thursday, October 28, 2010

shit lah
what should i do
what should i do
what should i do
this totally messes up my mind
okie whatever
i'm just going to give one last try
last one
if i dont succeed
i dont see the point in continuing anymore
i'm just too much of a loser
i cant liven anyone up
i'm just too boring
i'm nothing
so what if i can dance
or play sports well
it's seriously nothing
not like i'm the only one that can do that
and you all know that
what can i ever do
to be perfect?

11:32 PM

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

wow its been 4 years
i know its that quick right
I've been dilly dallying around
maybe its high time i start appreciating each and every moment
of life and stuff
i mean wow its JC next year
and what's after that?
ns, uni and whatnot
life is what it is lah
hahaha you cant really stop it
it just happens
with time
if only i could stop time :)
oh well
life is as it is
start loving it

10:17 PM

Sunday, October 24, 2010

hahaha finally danced omg
first time in like a few weeks
realised how much i deproved ):
but we'll win this RS :D
the choreo is damn hard leh
hahaha joyce and the boys you guys (and girl) are sickkk
maybe that's us in a few years time ;)
cant wait to robot
that's the only thing i can do averagely okie
hung out till like 9 today with
the other 2 stud-ants (:
and i hope ryan didn't become a tennis ball HAHA
and omg i still have BCG finals to prepare for
this 2 weeks gonna get real busy
not good D:
hope i dont stay up too late
except to watch cruel temptation of course :D
but tomorrow we're getting back our papers
hope i dont score too badly
i think imma fail math 2 and chem
ahhh whatever what's done done
hope i can kope with the robot choreo that ryan came up with
its time to be perfect

11:49 PM

Saturday, October 23, 2010

omg finally one whole week of tiring work done
REEEEE DONE (business@school)
(we had to come up with a sustainable business idea and yah do like the financials and present them)
and we got through to the asian finals oolala
like duh :D
HAHA jkjk omg it was seriously tough
fierce competition
and our idea was kinda shaky
but we still put up a reasonable presentation
thanks to kevin's KEYNOTE :D
i fumbled a teeny weeny bit
but sialah killer haha the preparation
and now we still have one big problem ):
but we'll win SCGS i hope :D

now its just slacking time
for awhile hahaha nicee
then its more B@S preparation ):
and dancing practise for RS
oh well (:
will be kinda busy for these few weeks ):
jyjy (:
and my resultsssss are coming back next week shit
hope i dont see too many fails
like seriously
i'm gonna fail math 2 and chem
arghhhhhh XD
oh well i did mug for both of them haha
i fail lah X(
hope i dont get owned too bad all you muggertoads

5:18 PM

Thursday, October 21, 2010

omg i gotta stop being so emo
cheer up dude
be happy feel happy

9:06 PM

why is that i always feel so isolated?
from everyone
i dont fit in anywhere
everywhere i go
everyone i hang out with
is there really no where i can blend in
is there really no one that can empathize
am i really that much of a social outcast?
really am i?
don't tell me i'm unique
everyone else is unique
but they can fit in
why can't i?
i just float around everywhere
talk here chat there
sup here yo there
but i cant trust any of you
no one
you feel happy with each other around
okie lah not saying that i'm complete strangers or anything
all of you still make me smile and happy at some time
but i dont feel the affinity? is that it?
i dont know
maybe i'm just an outcast
not cool enough to be in your ranks
but i dont care
if you need me i'm here
that's all that it's going to be
i'm ALWAYS here anyway, its just that when you need me, then you'll realise
and throw me aside after that

11:38 AM

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

where have my old friends gone to?
who are you guys now
i dont remember you all anymore
you've changed so much
maybe you guys havent
just changed your attitude towards me
you used to pity me?
now you're just becoming assholes is that it?
you guys are retarded i swear
dont blame me if i'm cold towards you guys
i'm gonna chill you guys out seriously
you all deserve it
i dont care anymore

9:37 PM

hahaha re has been REtarded for the past 2 days :D
ignore the pun
i'm just trying to be funny
its really REALLY great to see people around you
laugh at your jokes
laugh with you
or even laugh at you
i really like the feeling
its like a rare sight for me
i don't usually make people laugh that much
and i dont know
it feels reassuring? that i'm not a loser that i thought i was
who knows maybe i still am
the way SOME people treat me
ahhh whatever you guys were never what i thought you were
forget it
i'm trusting everyone too easily
luckily not completely
i'm just gonna wall up
-takes a step inwards-
-builds walls and windows-
give me a knock will ya?

8:17 PM

Sunday, October 17, 2010

i think i found hope again haha
lets see whether it'll work out
and woohoo
learnt a biiiiit to wedding dress
kinda easy i think
but i dont think i look anything like him
the dancing of course
gosh tomorrow still need to go school
when's there's no school
at 8am
arrrgggghhhhhh XD
i think i'll have to go to school for the entire week also
oh well at least my re's fun :D
supposed to have no schoool for this week lehhh omg
blehh :P

10:23 PM

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Had a fun day today haha
omg i suck at basketball now
got totally pwned
and pwned some people of course duh :D
just had lunch
then omg super super bloated
felt like a fat kid XD
but been some time before i played basketball with you guys
cherished the moment while it lasted (:

on they way home right
i usually have this long loooonngggg path
then yknow SUDDENLY
i realised that i was the only person
walking down the whole path
i just started thinking yknow
" i feel so alone" kind of feeling
damn this lah >(
is this the way its gonna be
no one in my life
and not the relationship "one"
the friends "one" too
everyone just leaving me
is this what you call insecurity?
for once its not my fault ;)

8:38 PM

hahaha omg there's so much things i wanna do!!
learn wedding dress
catch up on sports
go out
omg cant wait cant wait
freedom ftw (:
i love post exams haha
sadly i still gotta do RE sad right ):
and also gotta start preparing for RS
lets wait and see
this is the first time i touched that
orangeybrownball in a month!?
omg i must be getting fat

12:05 PM

Friday, October 15, 2010

(starts dancing)
omg freedom freedom hahahaha

10:59 PM

Thursday, October 14, 2010

holy crappppppppp
chemistry was killerrrrr
after i prepared for one whole week too omg
but history
with one night of preparation
i felt so much more confident
screw eoys hahaha
yay so fast right

3:50 PM

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

screw this lah
is this what you call traumatising D:
and its not the eoys
biology was easier than i thought O:
math was killer though
anq eoys' going to be over in this week
so yayy
i'm just going to put you behind me
there's no use hanging on
i'm not going to be good enough for you
(or anyone else for that matter)
screw this ):
why must i be the one to-
no use complaining anymore
lets be practical
you're not for her
and for the last time

6:50 PM

Monday, October 11, 2010

i was thinking about her
thinking about me
thinking about us
what we going to be
open my eyes
it was only just a dream~

-slaps myself-
wake up you fool

11:17 PM

holy cow
wthell manzxz
math paper 2 was killer >(
and then math paper 1 was freaking easy
stupid math dept
dont know how set papers one ah >(
this is like the first eoy paper i'm going to fail
oh well what's over over
now for bio D:

3:06 PM

Sunday, October 10, 2010

there you go
the second 10:10 of today
hope my 2 wishes come true
eoys are finally here omg
its the last week
all the way guys
we'll do well for this time round (:
gogogo~ :D

i'll stop thinking about you
or i'll try
its never going to be the way i want it to be

10:10 PM

i swear i'm mugging my mind crazy
i need someone to talk to
but no one's there
everyone's just busy mugging
it sucks being me right now
sigh ):

5:27 PM

10.10.10 10.10.10 caught it muahahaha
most epic wish time everrr (:
lets hope it comes true

10:10 AM

Thursday, October 7, 2010

lol fml f***
there are certain words i dont use anymore haha
do you guys realise XD
i was just like thinking about it lah nothing much
when i saw some people using it

'lol' is TOTALLY a convo stopper
i cant even keep up my convos
much less kill them
i'm some failure haha
my convos always die out
in real life also
i just cant make people laugh
i have no idea why
i just suck at being retarded
(not saying that being retarded is a good thing BUT)
ya yknow what i'm getting at
you guys just carry convos so easily
you dont really know the feeling of being dao-ed do you haha
just left alone
and you go 'lol' somemore
i'm going to turn into a social outcast if i did that

that's just wrong
dudes lyl-love your life
ever since i started to change to being more optimistic
everything's around me like changing
well they're not exactly changing
i am
but yah they SEEM different lah!!
cos you see them in a different light?
people too!
i can see beauty in everything now haha
i'm starting to appreciate things more
problem is
not everyone's like this
they cant see things the same way?
they cant see me or others in the same way?
why fyl haha
i LML :D

and f-words
well i use freak when i really feel like scolding the f-word
but i havent used it in a long long time
think lah people
you know how the 'victim' feels?
its an insult leh
you feel good lah of course going around owning people with F*** F*** F***
but hahaha you'll just be that vulgar person in all our eyes
why not just keep a reserved and cool (CHILL) attitude
and keep that reputation
and dont screw around with it

cos when you're done with yourself
you're gonna end up like me
omg that just sounded damn COOOLLLLLLL
i rock muahaha

9:12 PM

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

its really damn damn heartbreaking
to see you get hurt like this
i dont want to see you like this
i want to shield you
but you're not giving me the chance
you're not looking my way
you're not turning back
at all
that's the question i've been asking myself thousands of times
but the question that only YOU can answer
not me
sighsighsigh am i really that hopeless

11:12 PM

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

i dont really feel stress leh why
damn damn damn hahahaha
eoys in a week and i dont really feel stressed
i dont think i'm fully prepared but oh well
suddenly all my gpas start rising to 3.6 again
i'm super relieved
but my chinese is ... damn my prelims sucked
lucky my english showcase portfolio full marks WHEEEE 30/30
totally awesome
math is killing me though
all the trigo ahhhhhh >_<
all the best people (:
its the last week or 2

just a side thought
i wish all of you good luck haha
but no one wishes me back
HAHA i dont mean you all HAVE TO lah
but kinda sad ):
heh i dont need luck :D
i have my mad skillzxzxzxz XD

10:44 PM

Monday, October 4, 2010

am i being too kaypoh into stuffies?
i dont know i just had this thought
usual end of class
then i saw a bunch of my friends leaving
then i just asked
like just casually, no intention whatsoever
asked where're they going now
then one of them just snapped back
(unintentionally lah i suppose but)
"i got ask you to come meh"
at that moment i took it as a joke lah... but wth
am i really being too kaypoh screw it
i just tend to care more, be more concerned
and this is what i get
"i got ask you meh"
yah you didnt, doesnt mean i cant ask right
isnt that the whole point to caring?
why cant you guys see it?
am i caring too much damn
and then again is that a bad thing?
well... not just them yknow
(they're still my awesome buddies)
some other people too sigh
just like ignore me sia
fine lah hmph see if i care ( I DO HAHA JKJK )
but there will come this point
where i'll just stop
and feel like i'm annoying you and irritating you

6:19 PM


This is the place where you don't get golden opportunities, only silver chances.
You're not as well-off as the rest, you have to treasure your chances, this is the place to do so.
So start looking at your silver chances, and decide what to do with them (:
Story of my life :D


17 :D

Raffles Institution

02 Scouts!!

1F/2F 2008

3A/4A 2010 FTW!!



Average kid :D

Kinda poor D:

Trying to learn stuff!


Ryan Seah
Yong Xin
Sean Sum

Sweet Memories

April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
January 2012

My Wishes

A cool life

Someone to be there for me (:

To dance a lot better :D

To be best dancer in RJ STREET

More talents :D

A good sense of humour :P

To be a more interesting person XD

(i dun ask for much :D)
